Thursday, February 14, 2013

Odd Things, That Work

This presentation about what people supposedly do not know about marriage really surprised me. I went back and tried to find a different answer to my first blog post, so what makes a marriage work? Some of the points covered by Jenna are odd, and I have never thought of before.

***so the embedded video does not seem to be working watch the video here!***

It is crazy to think that a marriage is more likely to be successful if the wife is thinner and more attractive, than the husband. I think that looks are almost irrelevant in a relationship, granted you have to be attracted to your spouse, but that should not be a contributing factor to a successful marriage or for that matter a failed one. Another study also shows that the happiest couples are the ones that focus on the positives of any situation. I agree with this because if you are always being negative it will take an emotional toll on you, and eventually those around you, like your spouse. I also agree with the study proving that the willingness of a man to do housework correlates with how attractive his spouse will find him. Who wouldn’t like more domestic help, yes I am not married or anything but I can’t find anything wrong with some help around the house. Another study that she brought up in the presentation showed that if you have childhood pictures of you smiling, or looking genuinely happy, you are less likely to get a divorce. This idea seems a little far-fetched for my taste, but hey, research is research. However I do believe that watching a romantic comedy cause’s relationship satisfaction to plummet, because your man will rarely live up the fictional expectations girls have, that have been set in place by movie writers and actors like Channing Tatum. 

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